What is Time Line Therapy ®Heal the Past & Create a Bright Future!



Introduction to Time Line Therapy®

Time Line Therapy® allows you to go back to the "root" cause of a problem and heal an issue which is blocking you really fast, in just a matter of minutes, approximately 5-10 minutes.  Imagine for a moment that you had inside you a time machine that allows you to go back, revisit & heal stuff from the past.  When you heal the past through Time Line Therapy®, you release all anger, sadness, fear, hurt, guilt, shame, resentment, jealousy, rage, irritation and any other negative emotions.  

All the while, you clear a path to go forward in your time line & set goals that you'll achieve in your future.  Also releasing issues from the past with Time Line Therapy® allows you to change your limiting beliefs in the present moment like "I am not good enough," "I'm not loveable enough," "I'll never make a lot of money,"  and change those limiting beliefs to empowering ones like "I am amazing," "I am loveable," "I am fully capable," and "I will be successful and wealthy."  These new beliefs will launch you to QUANTUM LEAP NOW IN YOUR SUCCESS! 


GREAT NEWS!  The Prince of Wales, the English Royal Family and British government have endorsed Time Line Therapy® and  Neuro Linguistic Programming as the methods to rehabilitate their soldiers returning from the wars in Iraq and Afganistan from their pain including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (P.T.S.D.). http://www.warriorprogramme.org.uk/files/newsletter_02-10.pdf.





POWERFUL & PROVEN to have helped thousands of people create an amazing life!